I took a look into other types of bicycle that I have seen and used, many of these bikes have been owned by my Dad as he is a keen cycle enthusiast. As well as the normal upright forward facing bicycle there are other designs of bikes that have been seen throughout history. My favourite by far has to be the recumbent as my Dad used to own one when I was younger, although I never got to ride it it was great to watch how fast you could pick up speed on one of them. The recumbent is a fascinating type of bicycle as well as being great fun to ride, it also has the benefit of the 75% reduced drag caused by sitting on an upright bicycle. There are also 3 wheeled versions of the recumbent, which in affect are more stable and can be provide a lower ride level and centre of gravity making it more beneficial.

Above is a recumbent and below is a three wheeled version, it can be likened to a tricycle.

The tandem is another type of bicycle that I have come into contact in my years riding a bicycle. A Tandem bicycle is a form of bicycle designed to be ridden by more than one person. The term tandem refers to the seating arrangement, no the number of riders. A bike with two riders side by side is called a sociable.

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