Thursday 16 September 2010

Eastwood's Trademark

Trade Mark His characters have a new "trademark expression" in each movie. The same character (e.g., Dirty Harry) will have a different one in each movie. At the end of movies he directs, during the credits the camera will move around the location it was filmed in. then freeze frame for the rest of the credits. Frequently uses shadow lighting in his films. The lead characters in his movie are often outsiders with a dark past they prefer not to remember His movies usually begin and end with the death of a character. His films often deal with the gap between the truth and the mythologized version of the truth (White Hunter Black Heart, Unforgiven, Flags of our Fathers) Often plays characters who are consumed by regrets over past mistakes and are given one chance to redeem themselves (Unforgiven, In the Line of Fire, Million Dollar Baby, Gran Torino) Recurring pattern of his characters is having an unloaded gun or one that misfires. Calm, raspy voice.

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